At the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Orlando in November there were some great discussions about LoCo governance. The LoCo Council has a [blueprint]( but these are some of the highlights:
* **LoCo Twinning** – the goal here is to twin LoCo teams with other LoCo teams to help them get on their feet and moving. Bugs have been created and the LoCo Council are selecting the teams to pair them with. The team chose five teams they felt were large enough to be able to be twinned but not so big that only large teams were going to be able to twin with them. They are then going to chose five un-approved teams and help them during the cycle on how to get their teams up and running, how to organize meetings and events, and get information to other members of the team and explain how the larger Ubuntu community works.
* **[]( renaming the main team page** – at UDS a compromise was struck between the LoCo Team Portal developers and the LoCo Council to rename the team display page on the portal (this is because many teams have named themselves incorrectly and don’t want to change now as they have things printed). As such they are only changing the display name on the main page and nothing else.
* **Handling large geographic regions** – the LoCo Council have discussed geographically breaking up some of the larger countries such as Canada, Australia and Brazil (they’ve semi done this unofficially). The idea behind was to better conserve resources (such as conference packs) so that we can have smaller regions that can be sent content for events (e.g. CDs).
* **City LoCos** – it was agreed at UDS that City locos would not happen, but as a compromize, a field on teams pages on the LoCo Teams Portal would be created to add a *contact* for a city.
* **Re-approvals** – in early January the LoCo Council will be focusing on re-appaovals for teams; there are nine on their list.
Thanks to Laura Czajkowski for content for this blog entry, and the rest of the council (Charles Profitt, Chris Crisafulli, Greg Grossmeier, Leandro Gómez, and Paolo Sammicheli) for their tireless efforts. Thanks also to Chris Johnston and co. for their wonderful work on the LoCo Team Portal.