I just wanted to provide you lovely people with another update about [Severed Fifth](https://www.severedfifth.com/) my Creative Commons and Free Culture music project. There is lots going on, and here are some of the details:
* I launched [Severed Fifth Fair Pay](https://www.severedfifth.com/pay/) as what I believe is the fairest way of providing an opportunity for Severed Fifth fans to help support the project financially. The idea is simple: if you enjoy the music or support the project, you can pay what *you* feel is *fair and affordable*, and if that means paying nothing, that is absolutely cool. With me needing to pay for rehearsal space for the live band, hosting, merchandise, studio equipment, and other things, [every little helps](https://www.severedfifth.com/pay/).
* This week I started auditioning musicians to join the Severed Fifth live band, and the auditions went really well. I will be writing up a detailed blog post about this soon, so stay tuned, but you also [check out this forums post](https://www.severedfifth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25) for more details.
* I bought [this new baby](https://www.severedfifth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24) for getting out and doing some live shows with. It *growls*. 🙂
* I registered a new [Severed Fifth MySpace page](https://www.myspace.com/severedfifth), so go and add us as a friend! This compliments our [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=60451700536), [last.fm](https://www.last.fm/music/Severed+Fifth), [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/severedfifth), and [identi.ca](https://identi.ca/severedfifth) pages, and my friends at libre.fm are helping to make the [Severed Fifth libre.fm page](https://alpha.libre.fm/artist/Severed+Fifth) rock.
* The [Severed Fifth Forum](https://www.severedfifth.com/forum/) is continuing to grow, so come and join the community and get involved. We are particularly interested in growing *Severed Fifth Street Team* and bringing the free culture Severed Fifth love to your area. Come and [get involved](https://www.severedfifth.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=7)!
* Thanks to the wonderful work of our Frets On Fire charters, the [Frets On Fire: Severed Fifth Edition](https://www.severedfifth.com/2010/06/08/frets-on-fire-severed-fifth-edition-transcribers-needed/) project is coming on in leaps and bounds, and nearly the entire [Denied By Reign](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/) album is available ready for our first release. Rock and rolll! 🙂
* The second album is coming along really well, and is almost completed at the writing stages. It is sounding rocking. 🙂
I think that is enough for now. More as it happens! 🙂
Also, expect a videocast next week, so stay tuned to [severedfifth.com](https://www.severedfifth.com) for an announcement of the time and date. 🙂