Just a quick note: the [PyJunior](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2010/04/08/making-programming-easier-for-kids-with-pyjunior/) code is [up on Launchpad](https://code.edge.launchpad.net/pyjunior). Please remember: I wrote this in about two hours and haven’t had any time to clean it up. So, expect warts and all. 🙂
*The Open Sourcerer* [pointed](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2010/04/08/making-programming-easier-for-kids-with-pyjunior/#comment-140696) me at [Snake Wrangling for Kids](https://www.briggs.net.nz/log/writing/snake-wrangling-for-kids/) as a great kid-friendly guide for learning Python. My dream now is that when a kid clicks the big *Help* button in *PyJunior*, that the book pops up in native GNOME help format. Problem is: I have absolutely no idea how to convert *Snake Wrangling for Kids* (which is available in LaTeX and PDF format) into this help format, and don’t really have any time to contribute to this either.
So, I am looking for help. *PyJunior* provides a simple and effective of way of playing with Python for kids, but we *really* need the documentation to make this story rock. Is there anyone out there who would like to work on this and make clicking that *Help* button a fantastic experience for kids interested in learning programming? I really hope so: this could be a wonderful learning tool for ankle-biters everywhere. 🙂
If you are interested in helping, do let me know in the comments on this blog entry and we can talk more. If you just want to crack on and make the docs love happen, do feel free to go ahead and submit a merge proposal when you have something.
To do those who help, thanks *so much* in advance! 🙂