System76 Continue To Bring The Awesome

System76 Continue To Bring The Awesome

[System76]( who are the makers of [this]( …have also proven themselves to be incredibly supportive of Ubuntu and growing our community. I just wanted to point you all at...
Humanity To Others: Five Years Later

Humanity To Others: Five Years Later

[Five years ago today](, the first ever Ubuntu (Warty Warthog) was released. Back then I was an Open Source Consultant working for the government-funded...
Ubuntu One Rocking The House

Ubuntu One Rocking The House

I have a crazy-busy day today, so I am going to keep this short. I just wanted to share how cool [Ubuntu One]( is working out for me, and how it can rock your world too as it ships in the upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, released *next week*!...
Announcing Shot Of Jaq

Announcing Shot Of Jaq

Some of you will know [Stuart ‘Aq’ Langridge]( He was one of my fellow presenters on [LugRadio](, a show that we did that took a loose, informal and irreverent take on Open Source and Technology. He was...