Ubuntu In Your Language

Ubuntu In Your Language

One of the most wonderful, and oftern underrated parts of the Ubuntu community are our tremendous translators. It is these awesome individuals that re-enforce the ethos that everyone should be able to enjoy Ubuntu in the locale and language that is comfortable to...
Changing The Conversation

Changing The Conversation

I am tired of seemingly only ever reading about the topic of women in Open Source within the context of a conflict scenario which typically spawns a spat over whether specific behaviour is deemed offensive or not. It feels like the topic has become very...
Rocking Out: Plastic Guitar Style

Rocking Out: Plastic Guitar Style

When I created my [Amazon Wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1HUGRJJQTFK9S) a few weeks back ready for my birthday, I, like any opportunistic cad, added a bunch of different items on there, some of which I never expected a hope in hell to receive....
The Art of Community Comedy Photo Comp

The Art of Community Comedy Photo Comp

Since I [released The Art of Community](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2009/08/19/the-art-of-community-now-available/), one thing has become evident: the people who are buying it are *awesome*. If you have bought it *you* are awesome. If you have *not*, [you too...