Quick update on my icon hacking. I have now figured out a way to get most of my notification icons to have broadly the right color. It used to look like this:
Now it looks like this:
To do this I first copied my *Human* icon, edited `theme.index` to change the name of the theme and then went around coloring icons. [Thanks to d0od](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2009/07/11/desktop-theming-and-icons/#comment-130926) for pointing me at the [Meliae White](https://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Meliae?content=88482) theme too. I used some of those icons in my own cobbled together theme.
To do the coloring I took a screenshot and use the GIMP’s eye-dropper to get the shade of grey to color the icons. For my Dust theme this is:
* Hue: **45**
* Saturation: **10**
* Lightness: **6**
I then colored each notification icon with the GIMP Coloize tool (Colors->Colorize) using these values.
I am going to make a few other changes and then I will put together my theme online.