On Validation

On Validation

Today I just wanted to share a few thoughts on a much under-used and sometimes overlooked component in growing great communities: *validation*. Every community is an organically grouped bundle of people, many of which spend their free time choosing to be part of that...
Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams

Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams

Recently I have been talking to Prentice Hall, the rather spanky-awesome publishers of [The Official Ubuntu Book](https://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0137021208) by Mako, Matthew Helmke and Corey Burger, and the brand new [Official Ubuntu Server...
Running Karmic In a Virtual Machine

Running Karmic In a Virtual Machine

Tonight I spent some time fiddling with the rather awesome VirtualBox to get a Karmic instance up and a Kubuntu machine up and running. I managed to get a rather nice set up going and I just wanted to quickly share my experience. This is a little rough and ready and I...
Burnout Presentation Slides

Burnout Presentation Slides

Recently I have delivering a presentation about the 12-stages of burnout at a few conferences and it seems to have been really useful to people. The presentation talks through the progressively worse stages and how to identify the symptoms and protect against them...
Linux Against Poverty

Linux Against Poverty

Folks, go and take a look at [Linux Against Poverty](https://linuxagainstpoverty.org/). Ken Starks recently got in touch with my colleague Robbie Wlliamson, who then passed this on to me and I wanted to raise some awareness. If you are anywhere near Austin, go and...