Ladies and gents, this week is a big week for Ubuntu. As we build toward the release of **Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope** on Thursday April 23rd 2009, final preparations are being put in place.
While there is much going on right now I just wanted to focus your attention in this particular post on [Release Parties]( At the time of writing we have **92** release parties happening all over the world! Thanks to everyone who is participating in organising and joining these parties: we have already broken our record for the number of parties organised for a release. At the start of this cycle my goal was for us to break the **100* party milestone and we are so close to this record we can taste it! So, if there is no party in your area on [this page](, go and organise one and add it. We can do this, friends. 🙂
Also, I would love to see just how many group photos we can get for these parties. To do this just get as many people as you can to stand against a wall, get someone to take a photo and put it online on Flickr / Picasa etc and tag it with `ubuntu`, `release`, `party`, `2009`, `9.04` and `jaunty`. I am also planning to build a montage of these group photos, so would appreciate if you folks could email at `jono AT ubuntu DOT com` with a link to your group photo and the name of the LoCo team and location of the party. Thanks, folks!