Just wanted to share a little story about the [Dutch Ubuntu LoCo Team](https://www.ubuntu-nl.org/).
A while back I had an email from Jan Stedehouder about asking for help with a Dutch computer fair, the HCC dagen. Jan was attending to advocate Ubuntu and spread the word like the rock star that he is. I arranged to send the Dutch LoCo 400 Ubuntu CDs and it was a roaring success: the team not only kicked arse, but took names too. Jan informed me that all the CDs were gone in a few hours.
Jan and the team explained Linux to visitors of the stand, identifying the nuances of our ethos and benefits we have baked into Ubuntu. Aside from the buzz of sharing Ubuntu, Jan and co were also inspired by the diversity of their audience:
> “It was good to see people of all ages and nationalities, constantly flocking the various computers with Ubuntu”.
Great work folks! Everyone should give the Dutch LoCo a quick hi-five via the Internet.
I was personally ticked pink that Jan used [The Ubuntu Ethos](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2008/12/19/the-ubuntu-ethos/) to ask his audience in his presentation to share their own ethos. I can feel the Ubuntu ethos growing. It is fantastic to see LoCo teams driving this ethos forward.
Jan also shared with me how Ubuntu is rocking in Holland. He has just released his first book “*Probleemloos overstappen op Linux*” (Migrating without problems to Linux). This book is based on Ubuntu 8.04. A second book is also released in a few days and called “*Basiscursus Ubuntu*” (Ubuntu Basics course). This book targets average Windows users who want to try out Ubuntu. Jan tells me it is a pretty straight-forward, step-by-step introduction on how to install Ubuntu, add software and users, fine tune hardware and deal with administrative tasks.
Great work, folks!