Well, after a weekend off of Sneak Peeks from *Denied By Reign* I want to give you the final three before I release the album tomorrow:
* Sneak Peek 9 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/9.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/9.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 10 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/10.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/10.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 11 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/11.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/11.mp3)
If you missed the others, here they are:
* Sneak Peek 1 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/1.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/1.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 2 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/2.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/2.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 3 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/3.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/3.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 4 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/4.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/4.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 5 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/5.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/5.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 6 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/6.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/6.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 7 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/7.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/7.mp3)
* Sneak Peek 8 – [Ogg](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/8.ogg) [MP3](https://www.severedfifth.com/releases/music/deniedbyreign/sneakpeeks/8.mp3)
So, after months of writing, recording, production, mastering and development, the final album is released tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting *Denied By Reign* out there, and then the focus moves to the next big step – telling the world about it, and spreading a free culture message around an album. This will be the really large and difficult job – writing, recording and releasing an album is something [I have done before](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/?p=935) both by myself and with Seraphidian, but the new ground being forged here will be in spreading the word around Severed Fifth and not only growing a culture and buzz around the music, but around the mechanics of a free culture album. This is when the *real fun* begins, and this is going to result in a lot of email, a lot of discussion, and importantly, trying to mobilise a world-wide street team. Fortunately, w already have a great bunch of people already involved, and I will focussing my own efforts on providing everything needed to ensure the street team can kick arse and take names. This includes help, guidance, only materials and whatever else.
I am also really, *really* keen to grow a community of listeners and fans around Severed Fifth, and you should all go and hang out in the *wicked-cool* [Severed Fifth Forums](https://www.severedfifth.com/forums/). Lets get a party going over there.
One more day…one more day… 🙂
## About Severed Fifth
*Denied By Reign* is released on Oct 21st from [www.severedfifth.com](https://www.severedfifth.com/) and the entire album will be released under a [Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) license with expressed aim of seeing how far an independent musician such as myself can push and promote an album under the new music economy of free culture. My aims are to help answer some of the questions that are unknown about the viability of a free culture music economy. For more details on the aims of the project, see the [announcement](https://www.severedfifth.com/news/2008/06/severed-fifth-launched/).
Severed Fifth needs your help to be successful! Go and join our [Discussion Forums](https://www.severedfifth.com/forums/) and join the [Street Team](https://www.severedfifth.com/streetteam/). We will need your help when the album is released to push it as far and wide as possible and just see how much juice we can squeeze out of a free culture album. If you have contacts in the music press, or you know established artists who may be interested in hearing it, do get in touch with me. I am preparing a press pack for the album which we can all send out when the album is released. Oh, and for you Facebook fanatics – go and join the [Severed Fifth Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=60451700536).
I just want to thank everyone for their support of the album and the project. Thanks also to the Creative Commons for their continued support. 🙂