I was asked to knock up a quick flyer for [LugRadio Live USA 2008](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/) with details of the event. This flier is scaled to US letter size, and I would love to encourage anyone who wants to do a good deed, to take this flyer, print it out and go and hand it out to people who might be interested – particularly those locals in San Francisco. If you get people to the event, a pint and incredible admiration will be waiting for you. 🙂
[Here is the full US Letter size image](https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2181/2370028517_9e866039cf_o.png).
Two weeks to go! Remember, you can [win prizes by pre-registering](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/register)!