Just when you thought that [LugRadio Live USA 2008](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/) could not rock any more, with [35+ speakers](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/speakers) and [40+ exhibitors](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/exhibition), well….we have confirmed a key part of the show – who, is going to be presenting the legendary, and now world-famous **Gong-a-thong Lightbulb Talk Extravaganza**.
For those not clued into this, the Gong-a-thong Lightbulb Talk Extravaganza is a collection of very short five minute talks in which a bunch of people get up and talk about something interesting. The original idea, when I was chatting to [Aq](https://www.kryogenix.org/) one night on the phone was to have a small gong that was hit to mark the end of each five minute talk. And then…in what I would like to consider a rare moment of brilliance…I remembered those old Rank movies with the guy, baby-oiled up, hitting a huge gong, and we knew that we needed someone, in a tight pair of undies, with a large gong.
Well, last year, we did it for the first time, and it was oodles of fun. The man in the hot seat…erm underpants, was our very own [Adam Sweet](https://blog.adamsweet.org/):
*Pasty white Brit seeks companion for fun and friendship…*
I can’t tell you the special sense of pride that Aq and I felt, stood at the side of the stage, seeing Adam come running out from the back of the hall, to the Rocky theme music in a robe with ‘Sweet’ written on the back. There is a special sense of satisfaction seeing such an insanely ludicrous idea realised before your very eyes. It went down really well, and everyone had a blast watching it. 🙂
This year for LugRadio Live USA 2008, we thought very carefully about who to get in the thong, and one name kept popping up. Some say he never ages, locked in a constant state of being 12 and 3 quarters years old. Some say that when he grows up he is going to drive a train. And some say that he can put away more alcohol than a small country. We all know him as this guy:
*Thong, thong, thong, thong, thong…*
Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls…I present the LugRadio Live USA 2008 Gong-a-thong host, [Aaron Bockover](https://abock.org/), the lead developer behind the popular [Banshee](https://banshee-project.org/Main_Page) media player. If you look at the [schedule](https://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/schedule) you will see that Aaron will be hosting the gong-a-thong at 2pm on Sat 12th April, with his main Banshee talk at 3.30pm, in which he and Gabriel will be showing off some of the brand new work the awesome Banshee team have been beavering away at.
35+ speakers. 40+ exhibitors. A small man in a thong. All for $10. What more could you want? [Go and pre-register](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/register) and win prizes if you refer people to pre-register. 🙂
[LugRadio Live USA 2008 – 12th/13th April 2008 – The Metreon, San Francisco](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/register).