The [LugRadio Live USA 2008]( organisation continues apace, and we have some more speakers to announce:
* Miguel de Icaza (*GNOME / Mono / Novell*)
* Aaron Bockover (*Banshee / Novell*)
* Allison Randal (*Perl / Parrot*)
* Danese Cooper (*Intel / OSI*)
* Belinda Lopez (*Ubuntu*)
* Ian McKellar (*Songbird*)
* Eddy Mulyono (*Packaging RPM/Debs*)
This is in addition to our already announced speakers:
* Jeremy Allison (*Samba / Google*)
* Ian Murdock (*OpenSolaris / Sun*)
* Robert Love (*Kernel / GNOME / Google*)
* Dan Kegel (*Wine*)
* Val Henson (*Kernel / Intel*)
* John Buckman (*Magnatune*)
* Ben Collins (*Ubuntu / Former Debian Project Leader*)
* Aza Raskin (*Mozilla / Humanized*)
There will be many more, and you could be one of them! The [Call For Papers Is Open!](
LugRadio Live USA 2008 takes place on the 12th and 13th April at The Metreon in San Francisco.