Well, the three other large gents and I are beavering away on [LugRadio Live USA 2008](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/) which happens on the 12th and 13th April 2008 at The Metreon in San Francisco, and I have two exciting bits of information to report.
Firstly, we have our first set of confirmed speakers. They are:
* Jeremy Allison (*Samba / Google*)
* Ian Murdock (*OpenSolaris / Sun*)
* Robert Love (*Kernel / GNOME / Google*)
* Dan Kegel (*Wine*)
* Val Henson (*Kernel / Intel*)
* John Buckman (*Magnatune*)
* Ben Collins (*Ubuntu / Former Debian Project Leader*)
* Aza Raskin (*Mozilla / Humanized*)
Secondly, the Call For Papers is [NOW OPEN](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/callforpapers)!!
We are not just looking for out and out rock stars, but any talks that cover interesting subjects. See [this page](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/callforpapers) for more details, and get your submissions in by the **15th Feb 2008**!
For more details of the event see [this page](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/whatislrl) and the [main website](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/). Lets all make LugRadio Live USA 2008 kick arse and take names. 🙂