You know what? Packaging is *super-important* in the Ubuntu world. We need more and more packagers to help make sure the software in Ubuntu is up to date, high quality and reliable. With this in mind, we need more and more packagers, and this means you. 🙂
We are working to make it as simple as possible to get involved in Ubuntu as a packager. All new packagers should join the [MOTU team]( – this team provides an excellent means of getting involved in Ubuntu packaging, learning the technical and community processes, and having plenty of resources available to help the solve your problems you face on your way to becoming a member of our incredible community. We are working to make the process as clear and straight-forward as possible, without compromising the core quality of Ubuntu.
You will be seeing more and more focus on MOTU and packaging over the coming months, and for now you should know two important things.
* First, a great way to get involved and get started is to read the [Getting Started Page](!
* Second, there will be monthly [Packaging 101]( sessions to teach how to get started learning to be a packager. The next Packaging 101 session will be on **Thu 13th Dec at 16.00UTC** in #ubuntu-classroom on Freenode. These sessions means new contributors are never more than a month away from an IRC tutorial session showing the basics. 🙂
There is never a better time to get involved as an Ubuntu packager and I am keen to hear from everyone who is going to learn to become a MOTU and how we can improve the process. 🙂