This weekend I fly to Portugal for the [Open aLANtejo\07]( event. Fellow Ubuntu and Canonical bod Mirco Müller will be there, and I am going to hassle him to teach me how to spin upside down.
Then, on the 26th October I fly to Cambridge, Massachusetts for [FOSSCamp]( and the [Ubuntu Developer Summit]( Both events are shaping up really nicely. If anyone over in that neck of the woods wants to meet up for a few drinks, do [give me a shout](mailto:jonoATubuntuDOTcom). The week following UDS I will be attending a Canonical company summit, and then I fly home.
I am also beginning to think about travel for 2008, and I currently fleshing out ideas for my next big talk which I will take around the place, replacing my *How To Herd Cats And Influence Talk*. If you are a conference organiser and want me to speak, [get in touch](mailto:jonoATubuntuDOTcom). 🙂