Well folks, we are getting closer and closer to the release of Ubuntu 7.10, the Gutsy Gibbon, and it is going to rock like a good ‘un when it comes out. Now, I need to draw your attention to something that is always important when we put out a new release – Release Parties!!
When a new Ubuntu hits the streets, groups from around the world (typically our incredible [LoCo Community](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams) organise release parties on the day of the release. This gives everyone a chance to get together, have some fun and celebrate another chunk of Ubuntu being born into the world. Well, the next release is **Thu 18th October 2007** and it would be great to have a worldwide blanket of release parties going on.
If you like the sound of this, follow these simple steps:
* Where possible, [find and join your local Ubuntu LoCo team](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList). Being part of a LoCo is not a requirement, but it makes it more fun. 🙂
* Read [this handy little guide](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/RunningReleaseParty) that I just wrote to help you get started organising a party.
* Why not join the new [ubuntu-event-planners](https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-event-planners) mailing list – a list for people who are organising Ubuntu
* Add your party to the [Gutsy Release Parties](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseParties) page.
Let’s make it happen. 🙂