Well, on Friday 30th and Saturday 31st March 2007, I will be doing my bit for [Comic Relief](https://www.comicrelief.com/) and charity – the **Big Red Recording**!
I am going to record an entire album, that is, writing, performing and recording all instruments, all by myself, in one 24-hour session.
None of the songs are written yet. I have one month to get my material together, which in itself is one helluva task, but at 7pm on Friday 30th March I will enter my home studio with seven songs in my head, and come out on Saturday 31st March at 7pm with seven fully recorded songs burned to a CD and available online under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of my music on [Recreant View](https://www.recreantview.org/).
The marathon recording session will involve me micing, prepping and recording myself playing acoustic and electric guitars, bass, drums, vocals, and also involve me editing, mixing and mastering the entire record. In addition to this, Emelye will be joining me for the entire session and playing Cello and performing backing vocals on some of the songs. It is going to be tight on timing to get the whole lot done in 24 hours, but I am determined to pull it off.
From now until the big day I will be regularly reporting progress on writing over at [Recreant View](https://www.recreantview.org/) and on the big day I will be regularly blogging and posting photos of the session. I am also hoping to have a documentary of the experience. What more could you want – seven Creative Commons songs and a stack of cash for charity? Well, maybe an Audi TT, but this is good enough I would say. 🙂
**SPONSOR!** To make this worthwhile, I need YOUR money. Well, *I* don’t need your cash, but the people I am doing this for do, so [click here to sponsor me](https://www.myrednoseday.com/thebigredrecording). I want to raise £1000 so get your arses in gear and sponsor me! **SPONSOR!**
[GO AND DONATE!!!](https://www.myrednoseday.com/thebigredrecording)
*Thanks to tigert for the image*