Credit where credit is due to Steve Jobs for his recent [Open Letter]( This is *exactly* the kind of discussion people in his position should be having to promote an open marketplace and freedom. His letter quite clearly states that “if the Big 4 music companies provide DRM-free songs, this will be a good thing” – I am impressed that he is taking this stance, particularly with their dominant market position and pre-existing relationships with the Big 4.
It also makes me chuckle. There seems to be a bit of this going on:
> Five Years Ago…
> Steve: Hi Big 4, we are creating this online music store and trendy little device to play the music on. We are a cool company, and admired by a generation of people with disposable income, would you like to be a part of it?
> Big 4: Hmmm, sounds a bit dangerous…
> 6 months later…
> Big 4: OK, we will be part of it, but we need you to make something called a DRM that will protect our precious music.
> Steve: Of course, protecting music is essential…utterly essential. You wish is my iCommand.
> 5 years and 2 billion songs later…
> Steve: Haha suckers! You should be using DRM free systems and we own the music player market!
Interesting about-turn. Kudos Steve. Want to come and speak at LUGRadio Live 2007? We will you a pint. 🙂