Training on

Training on

I have written a brand, spanking new entry in my O’Reilly Blog entitled The system, man. This article discusses the sheer amount of red tape that is initiated by new projects and how it can cause problems. As ever, I would love to hear your feedback, so leave it...
InfopointAFF Chris Waddle

InfopointAFF Chris Waddle

That topic will mean nothing if you have never seen the Fast Show by the way. I am down in Elstree at the moment doing some training (PHP / MySQL / XML etc) and we are making some really good progress. Long days, but great getting out of the office and doing some...
Laugh? Oh, I laughed…

Laugh? Oh, I laughed…

Busy few days recently. I have been working on various projects getting things completed and out of the way. I have also been playing a lot of music and doing a lot of drumming. 🙂 We now have an Infopoint mailing list by the way. Thanks to the kind folks over at...
Training on

Well connected

As many of you are probably aware, the Evolution Connector that allows Evolution to connect to a Microsoft Exchange server, has been made free software under the GPL. This is, simply, incredible news. Despite the fact that the Connector has existed in a functional...
War games

War games

Last night I had a jam with Emelye and then a bit later Sooz and I watched War Games. I haven’t seen it for ages, and the old dusty video was testament to this face; a great film though, as ever. The only criticism I have of War Games is the nauseatingly bouncy...