I have just reading about the SCO vs IBM case. I find this completely unbelievable. It is shocking that a company that used to be so connected to the Linux community has completely turned on them and is making these accusations. Don’t get me wrong…I am not...
Open Source report

Open Source report

I am just working away on some work for my Negotiated Study module at Uni. The module is all about writing a document about the social issues for a technology…so I have chosen Open Source. The report will look at the issues surrounding Open Source that are...
Fun at the LUG

Fun at the LUG

Jees last night was a fun night. We met at the Moon Under Water like usual for our meet and then the hilarity began. The night kicked off well with a free guinness voucher given to us all. We then spend the usual amount of time ranting, telling bad jokes and suchlike....